What is asked many times are how to use a paradox remote to open/close a gate
You need to program the remotes at location 610 or individual remote programming
Assign ie 2 dot button to PGM activation event group 22
So at 610 enter: 1 2 5 8
So then all remotes will do:
1 = Regular arming
2 = stay arming (1 dot)
5 = PGM activation event group 22 (2 dots)
8 = Panic (1 and 2 dots pressed together)
Then program location 220 for PGM1 and enter: 08 99 99
08 = PGM activation event group 22
99 = all remotes
99 = all partitions
Program PGM location 261 so that only the following is switched on: 7 , rest is off
Program location 281: 003 (pgm is timed for 3 seconds and not more else gate stays open or do strange things)
Then you need to fit a small 12 volt relay on the pgm1 output.
The relay negative connected to PGM1
Relay positive connected to positive (same as keypad/passives positive)
Relay com to gate com and Relay N/O to gate trigger
Similar using the Paradox 2WPGM, instead of using PGM1 you need to use 5 and higher for MG5050 example.
How to program a Paradox remote to open gate